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What Can We Help You Cover?

Small Group Health Insurance in Clemmons, NC

As businesses and organizations seek to help their staff maintain health and wellness while offering attractive compensation packages, health insurance may make a significant difference. However, group health insurance can be a complicated and even confusing subject, particularly for smaller businesses that may lack personnel with expertise. To learn more, contact the helpful staff at Hampton Insurance Services.

How Does Small Group Health Insurance?

Small group health insurance is a subtype of available health insurance products that is typically customizable to suit the needs of businesses with limited numbers of workers and potential enrollees. In many ways, these plans may function similarly to most group health insurance plans, as members and employers pool their resources to pay premiums and share risk. Overall, these arrangements can help employers provide coverage at better rates than their employees might be able to find on the open market.

What Are the Requirements for These Plans?

Small group health insurance is generally defined as plans that cover up to 50 full-time equivalent employees. However, in some states, this limit may be increased to 100. Additionally, it’s generally required that a minimum percentage of eligible employees choose to enroll in the policy. Eligibility to enroll in coverage is typically tied to an employee being on your business’s payroll. This means that those who are temporary workers or on unpaid leave may not be allowed to access coverage.

Get the Best Plan

Your company should not rely on any one-size-fits-all template to select its small group health insurance plan. Instead, enlist the assistance of knowledgeable professionals, such as those at Hampton Insurance Services. We can help you assess your needs, identify your options and secure the right plan. Contact us today to get started.